Visit our District site and select Menu > Families > ParentVUE Portal > ParentVUE login.
Existing Users
If you already have an activated ParentVUE account, then log in with your Username and Password.

New Users
If you have not activated your ParentVUE account, you will need an access code. You can get this code from your home school. You only need one code to access all of your children's accounts from the same login.
Click on Click here to create an account or reset your password. Then, select Activate Account.
Read the Privacy Statement and click I Accept.
Sign in with the Activation Key. Enter your name and the activation key exactly as it appears in your letter from the school and click Continue to Step 3.
Choose a username and password (at least 6 characters), provide an email address, and click Complete Account Activation.
Discover more information about what information can be viewed in ParentVUE.
You can also install a ParentVUE app to access on your mobile device.