You are ready to open up your Chromebook to use it but find that it is not ready to be used when you are. Was it not charged? Did something get damaged? Was an update not applied? Here you will find some helpful tips to ensure your Chromebook is ready to be used and how to care for it properly.
Watch the video below for a few tips about Taking Care of Your Chromebook from our Chesapeake Public Schools YouTube Channel. Then, read on for additional best practices for taking care of your Chromebook.
Follow student-specific Chromebook use and care recommendations.
Visit this article for a quick checklist reminder for how students should use and care for their Chromebooks.
Follow acceptable use policies for school-issued devices.
Chromebooks are for school use only and you should only visit safe sites. School-issued devices are to be used for school-related purposes. This means you should only visit sites provided by your teacher and / or approved by our District. This ensures you are visiting safe sites to reduce the chances of computer viruses. The Chromebook is school property and all users must follow the Acceptable Telecommunications and Internet Use for Students Policy.
Be responsible when using school property.
Chromebooks are property of Chesapeake Public Schools and must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, labels, etc. Chromebooks should never be left unattended or unsecured when not in use. Asset tags may not be modified or tampered with in any way. Always remember to protect yourself, the equipment, and your data.
Protect your passwords.
Your passwords should never be shared with anyone except your parents / guardians. Protect your login information to keep your accounts more secure.
CPS Chromebooks should only be used by authorized users.
The Chromebook is assigned to you for your use alone. You are the only one allowed to use your Chromebook so it is best to not allow others (including siblings) to use your assigned Chromebook for any purpose other than school-related purposes. Remember, you are responsible for any damage or misuse.
Keep hands clean.
Have clean, dry hands before using your Chromebook. This ensures your device won't be affected by pieces of dirt, debris, crumbs, moisture, etc. that may reside on your hands. If devices are being shared amongst multiple people, this also helps reduce the spread of germs on shared equipment.
Keep Chromebooks away from food, liquids, and extreme temperatures.
Keep food and liquids away from your Chromebook; crumbs and spills could damage components and keep it from working properly. Leave your Chromebook in a cool place; extreme hot or cold temperature conditions could have an effect on how it functions.
Avoid dropping it accidentally. Keep it on a hard, flat surface.
Make every effort to avoid dropping the Chromebook to avoid damage to internal and external components. This includes carrying it properly, keeping it away from edges of tables and desks, using it on a flat and hard surface, closing the Chromebook lid when stepping away from it, and storing it in a safe place. Also, avoid using it or leaving it on the floor so someone doesn't mistakenly step on your Chromebook.
Carry your Chromebook safely.
It is important to be mindful and careful of how you carry and handle your Chromebook. Proper handling and storage of your Chromebook will keep it in good working order and prevent possible damage. Learn more best practices about Chromebook Handling.
Take good care of your Chromebook screen.
Many things can damage or cause your Chromebook screen to not work correctly. It is important to clean your screen properly and safely store your Chromebook when not in use to avoid screen damage. Learn more best practices about Chromebook Screen & Cleaning.
Keep it charged! Handle cords and cables properly.
Keeping your Chromebook charged will ensure it is ready to be used when you need it. You must also remember to take proper care of cords and cables when plugging in and unplugging them. Learn more best practices about Chromebook Charging & Power Issues.
Ensure your Chromebook receives routine updates.
Outdated systems and applications can sometimes be the cause of error codes and cause your device to not run as smoothly as normal. Routine updates ensure that your device is running the most current operating system by running the most up-to-date features and security measures. Learn more best practices about Chromebook System Updates.
Clearing your Chromebook's browser cache will often fix issues you may have.
Clearing the cache on your Chromebook will help clear the system of any possible bugs that could be the cause of any system errors such as the Chromebook not booting up properly, operating slowly, or can also be the reason for websites not loading properly or giving you error codes for that site. You may find it a best practice to try clearing out your cache on a weekly basis.
Tell your teacher if something breaks or malfunctions. Leave repairs to the experts!
If something breaks or malfunctions on your Chromebook, you should tell your teacher as soon as possible. Problems could get worse the longer you wait, so report the problem so that it can be fixed in a timely manner. Do not try to fix it yourself. Leave repairs to the experts! Learn about what you should do if you find you need Chromebook Repair.