Be sure to log in to your OneLogin account before trying to access Google Meet.
Enter the nickname of the Google Meet you are trying to access in the Enter a code or nickname box and click Join. Now you are in the Nicknamed Google Meet!
NOTE: The option to enter a meeting nickname will NOT be available if you are not logged into your CPS Google account.
Once signed in, you can type the meeting nickname into the enter the meeting nickname box. Then, click Join.
Students cannot start meetings, therefore the New meeting button will not be available to them. However, it is available for staff logins.
If students try to join the meeting BEFORE the teacher has entered the meeting, they will get the message below, "You're not allowed to start a meeting" or "The Meet code you're using doesn't match a call you can join". Students must refresh the page and try again and will be connected once the teacher has started their Meet.
Alternatively, a direct link can be used to access your Nicknamed Google Meet.
- Use the link: (replace nickname with your meet's nickname. Ex:
If participants get this error message screen, it means the link isn't opening properly because they must be signed to their G Suite account before they can access a Nicknamed Google Meet.
Click on the Return to home screen button, sign in, and then enter the meet nickname or refresh using the direct link.
The direct link can be posted on the teacher's Canvas page to allow students quick access.