If you are able to access and log into your OneLogin account (you know your password), you can change / update your password within your OneLogin Portal as needed.
- Access OneLogin, click on your avatar, and select Profile.
- Select Change Password in the left sidebar menu.
- Enter your CURRENT password in the first box.
- Then, enter your NEW password in the second box.
- Make sure all password parameters are met as verified with the green checkmarks.
- Click the Update Password button to apply changes.
- Passwords must have:
- a minimum of 8 characters
- at least 1 lowercase letter
- at least 1 uppercase letter
- at least 1 number
- at least 1 special character (Examples: ! @ # $ %, etc)
- and must be different from the last 5 passwords previously used
- Password example meeting these parameters: Password1!